The following steps will increase your income in a short span of 6 months.
Here are factors to consider to help boost your productivity 10x with a planner:
1. Clarity
What is important to you? What are your core values? You want your life to be based on your values, not of someone else. Some examples might be family, health, flexibility, and influence. Ultimately, you need to be clear on your end result.
- What are you top 5 Goals for the Year?
- What are your top 3 Goals for for the next 90 days?
- Top 3 Focus for Month 1
- Top 3 Focus for Month 2
- Top 3 Focus for Month 3
- What are you most compelling reason to ultimate hit those 5 goals this year?
2. Increasing Your Confidence
Having confidence is very important in life. If you do not have confidence, you will be trapped in a “comfortable” bubble that you will never escape.
- What choices to you need to make to increase your confidence?
- What challenged do you need to sharpen your perspective?
- What are 3 lessons life has taught you so far?
- What are 3 things you need the most work on?
3. Shifting your circle of influence
- Find 3 role models who you can look up too.
- You need to decide who are your make it or break it friends.
- How are those people influencing you?
- Who do you spend most of your time with?
4. Consistent Motivation
- Write down 5 good emotions that you can use for motivation.
- Write down 5 bad emotions that drain you from motivation.
- Find what drains your energy so you can stay present and in the moment.
- Most important Find a morning Routine.
5. Create Result Rituals
- Find rituals that give you results.
- Strive to put rituals in place that give you momentum.
6. Always be a learner and open minded, Never Settle.
If you follow this blueprint, it should help you to move forward. First, you should start with a clear vision! You need to be clear on your end result. You should always be focused on the outcome. If everything works, what would be your ideal vision? You have to make sure that you have a clear vision at the top of your paper.
Next thing you should have are values. These are the things you have to work out for yourself. Some people like money over time and some people, like Donald Trump, care more about money than personal time. Put your values in order, then you can go ahead and base everything off of your values that you care about the most.
Next, what are your top 5 compelling goals? What are you true top reason to hit this goal? What are your key behaviors and habitats that you need to see yourself up to achieve these goals? Some behaviors might be gratitude, sparking your mind, and maybe waking up early and exercising.
Lastly, you need to define the amount of money which you desire by a specific date. What are you going to give up to get that money. This is why, for becoming an entrepreneur, you have to have a plan of action to complete what you want, or else you will fall into a trap of society.
Once I found this sheet from Peter Voogd, it really helped me take action. I figured out that there are more options in life. I no longer want to work for a Roofing Company, but I want more freedom for my family and friends. I also want to travel the world.
You just have to make a decision on what your values are and then reverse engineer everything from there. I hope that by asking yourself these questions, it will help you, because it helped me. If you have any question contact me or find Peter Voogd on social media.